
Rose hips the long dark
Rose hips the long dark

rose hips the long dark rose hips the long dark

Each flower looks as if somebody has scrunched a large handful of hot-pink sweet pea blooms into a bundle and placed them on the plant.

rose hips the long dark

It has at least two flushes of flowers and the blooms are large, luxurious and highly fragrant. Darkest purple, almost black, the hips catch the eye as if a juicy low-hanging fruit to be gorged on. The stems carry a countless assortment of thorns – pinky red when young – and its hips, hanging on small black stems, are unmissable. It can sometimes be seen growing wild in coastal areas because it thrives in sandy soil and is a sturdy plant that shrugs off strong winds. Rosa pimpinellifoliaĪlso known as the Scotch rose and the burnet rose burnet is the common name for Sanguisorba minor, which has similar leaves to this rose. Growing in damp, boggy habitats in its native North America, it is a good subject for heavy soil. This rose is also known as the ‘shining rose’ in honour of its sleek, glossy leaves which can display spectacular purple colouring in autumn. It suits a small, sunny space, reaching just 90cm in height and width. Rosa nitidaĪ slender rose that is noticeably smaller than many of the large, hedging heavyweight species roses such as Rosa rugosa. The hips gradually turn scarlet and provide a truly rich feast for birds in winter. Stems will reach as much as 6m in height and when showing off its array of pendant, soft-orange hips in autumn it will serve as a reminder of the glory of summer. A prolific flowerer, it is a rose that oozes abundance and excess. To gaze at a mature Rosa helenae and try and count the blooms would be similar to gazing at the night sky and trying to count the stars. Place this rose close to a window so it can be frequently seen and it will provide months of pleasure. Roses for beautiful rosehips: Rosa helenae. Early summer’s exuberant flowers are now transformed into the rich tones of autumn hips, the roses becoming more complex and intriguing with age. Many are species roses, which bloom in one glorious flush. As with the incredible diversity of their flowers, roses also display a wide and rich array of colours and shapes through their hips. In many cases this is sacrilege – hips can be some roses’ strongest suit. Perhaps, eager to be tidy, the gardener has ruthlessly deadheaded, cutting off spent flowers that would have developed into beautiful berries. This suggests that the roses in question don’t display a fantastic show of rosehips. One of the reasons for some gardeners not growing roses is the claim that there is nothing to see once the flowers have gone. Greg Loades takes us through the individual beauty of each one.

rose hips the long dark

These ten stunning rosehips rival their summer flowers.

Rose hips the long dark